Alright, I have been bad at updating my blog. But what can I say life has been busy! Since I last blogged we have had Easter, School Holidays, Scrapbook City's Retreat, Labour Day longweekend at Kirra, Sooz's birthday, Jenny's birthday and little Jasmine's birthday oh and Mother's Day too! So do you see why I have been so busy??!!
Anyway, a quick catch up. We didn't really do anything over Easter which was probably just as well since it was rather wet. We did go and see Mosters vs Aliens in 3D at the movies though. A great film and boy has 3D improved since the days of the blue and red cellophane glasses! I did do some photos for a few Kindy families at the end of the Easter holidays and that was fun. They all seemed happy with their photos too which is always a good thing. Here are a few of my favourites from these shoots.

I also did some photos as a birthday present for my girlfriend Jenny. I am really pleased with the way these came out. Here are a few of my favourites!

Lots and lots of photos! I also have some photos from my little niece's first birthday celebration. I still can't believe she is one already!

The birthday girl

Face painting is fun!

Cuddles with Aunty Sooz and Uncle Ian.

Singing Happy Birthday....

Her fathers daughter!

The fun of opening presents.
I have been scrapping too! I just have to get organised and photo all the new pages I have done. I am getting at least a page done a week at the moment and I am pretty pleased about that. Anyway, a catch up in photos of the past few weeks. I will have to add some more up to cover the weekend at Kirra, Sooz's birthday oh, and I think I have some from Easter and Scrapbook City's retreat. Cheers for now.
Hay Katie,
All your photo's look great. I'll be down your way soon I'd love to catch up! Lauren x
Katie your photography is absolutely gorgeous!!!! Love your work!!
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