Took the kids to one of the local parks to scout a location for an upcoming shoot (boy does that sound professional!!) and came away with some pretty good photos. They all had a ball going down the slippery slide with me shooting on burst mode so I have a great sequence of them coming down the slide! They will make great layouts I am sure! Here are some of the kids.

And of course Liam had to pull faces! Although he did give a good "normal" face amongst these funny ones! Just a boy thing to do I guess! Better than the very reluctant models the girls are becoming....
I am now about half way to the new lens that I would like to buy. I am really looking forward to buying this one as it will be my first "L" series lens and a really fast fixed aperture zoom lens, so exciting! (Imagine a kid in a lolly shop and you get the idea!)
Things are going well at the shop too. Did my second Photoshop class there last week and had many great comments afterwards. Including asking when the next one was going to be and can they all have first dibs on places for it!! I will be offering the two I have already run on-line very soon too, so if you are interested have a look out!
The Papercraft Convention is this month, only a couple of weeks away actually and I think I am working on the Sunday (my usual day!). Looking forward to this one as it seems so long since the last one. Then the Anzac day weekend brings the retreat. The year is really just flying past!
The kids have all settled in really well to school and kindy. In fact the girls have already been on a number of excursions!
Last weekend (not on the really hot Saturday though) we went to South Bank with both sides of the family to celebrate all the other February birthdays (Erin, Jenny and Sue). I snapped this photo of my little niece and just had to include it! She reminds me so much of my girls at the moment you could honestly slip her into our family and believe she was one of ours!! Some genes are just that strong!!

Well, I think that about does it for now. Stay tuned for the next update!!
Nice photos of the kids. Of course boys will be boys.
Katie your photography is going from strength to strength!
Yes I agree - this year is flying away - well into March and all those big things just around the corner!
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