Well, like most school holidays those two weeks flew past. Between catching up with friends, sleepovers, visits to the zoo and the boring home stuff that just needed to be done the holidays flew right by in a frenzy of activity!
Today sees Liam back at Kindy but the girls have a pupil free day and don't return until tomorrow. Counting down now I think..... just me for a few hours a day ....hmmm sounds good!
Anyway I am sure you can imagine I have lots to share from two weeks absence. I have photos from our zoo trip and also some scrapping was done too! Yay for me!

As you can see plenty of kangaroos. And who can resist giving a kangaroo a cuddle and a pat??!! I found it terribly funny when I looked through these photos to find a photo of my little niece (all of 14 months) giving the kangaroo a cuddle and then to find one of Niamh's friend Emma (10 years old) doing exactly the same thing! Goes to show you are never to old to give a kangaroo a cuddle!

Liam loved the emu's (in fact brought home a toy emu to keep forever!), and the peacocks were wandering all over the place. Good for chasing if they hung around too long!

I loved the red panda's, such a beautiful little animal. I think this was one of the favourites also.

And the other favourite, the lemur's of course! I think the Madagascar movies have a lot to answer for there, Erin had to have her own King Julian to take home at the end of the day.

Now, this is not a zoo captive..... (sorry Erin I couldn't resist that one!). Took this of Erin after trimming her fringe and doing her hair before a birthday party and couldn't beleive that I could actually see glimpses of Andrew in her. For so long Erin has been much more like me physically, but now I know there are snips of her father too (aside from the stubborn trait that I always blame on him anyway!!).

Loved these photos of Liam, yes it is tough being the child of a photographer!

Dug out these old photos of Niamh and Erin that my sister took on an outing to the art gallery one year. They both look so little! Remember that other Slice design card I had mentioned, well the title was cut using that card, of all things the wedding card. But the font is beautiful.

Love these photos of Erin, she is always so free and happy...well except when she is sulking because things have not gone right.... and that can last for hours!

Some more fun photos. Erin and my niece Rachel entertaining themselves quite happily with of all things, bottle lids.....Goes to show you can have fun anywhere and with anything if you really try!
OK, I think that is probably enough for now. Lots of photos and all. I do have a class coming up at Scrapbook City in August so I will post a sneak peak of that soon.
Thanks for dropping by, til next time......