time keeps getting away from me!
Well, I guess I am just going to have to accept that fact and do what I can when I can. That said a lot has happened since the last post.
School and Kindy are back for the new year and the kid's are settling into their new classes without any dramas. First day pictures are below with youngest to eldest. Erin by this stage didn't care for photos and just wanted to get to school already!

Now that we are well into February we also have been celebrating birthdays with Niamh now 10 (yes I am still coming to terms with that one) and Erin about to turn 8. I will add some birthday photos soon.
Liam has now started swimming lessons, which so far have been great. He has been a little hesitant to go in the water before but he is taking it all in his stride and is gaining more confidence with each week. What blew me away was while waiting for his first lesson he jumped straight into the other pool and went down the slide. Something he would never even contemplate before! Check out the photo, by the look on his face I knew the water was cold!

Liam also agreed to pose for me one afternoon and I got this cracker of a shot! I really love the expression and the slightly distorted perspective. It just screams Liam!

February has also seen me catch up with a couple of people from the Five Minute Photographer forum and join them in an evening with Marcus Bell. It was a very inspiring session with Marcus and I am so blown away by his talent and his down to earth manner. I am certainly hoping to get my photography close to a level like that! Afterward James and I went to Southbank for some food and a chat, Ted was supposed to catch up with us there too but we kind of stuffed that one up! Never mind, next time. I had to pull out the camera and grab a shot of the Brisbane Eye in the night sky, it was just screaming at me to take a photo!

Well, that is it for now. I will get back with some projects and birthday photos real soon.....I promise!!!
Hi Katie Just popping by to say HI. Love the photo of the eye.
Great photos Katie!
Yes that turning 10 thing is going to be hard to deal with - I only have a couple more weeks to get used to the idea!
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