It has all been good fun though if exhausting at times. And the pace won't slow down now as we hit the downhill run to end of the school year and of course Christmas!
We also have my birthday, Andrew's birthday, Andrews' mum's birthday, my girlfriends little boy's birthday and her husband's and the arrival of her new little one........
Oh talking of new little ones my brother is going to be a dad!!! He and his wife Jenny are expecting! They are due in early May, and we are all so excited.
The girls had their first official Karate grading yesterday and both our now the proud owners of yellow belts with visions of becoming black belts one day!
I have been busy with some photography comps too. I have an entry in the Lord Mayors photographic challenge. This will be announced at the end of the month and the gallery open with the ones they chose for display in December. So I will keep you posted there. And the Canon Photo5 competition. This is cool, those who registered (limited to 2500) were all sent a little box with 5 items (including the box) to be photographed in an interesting and creative way. This comp closes for entries this week, and then next week the judges will put up the final 10 in each category for public voting. I really would love to have one in the final 10 of one of the categories...guess we will see soon enough there!
Also waiting for the Scrapbooking Memories Masters to be announced. The mag for this comes out late December, but they haven't notified the winners fingers crossed... I will be happy with an honorable mention for something though!!
All in all I have alot of waiting to do! Anyway, so here are the For Keeps layouts that they didn't keep (all but one, and as per usual not the one I thought they might have kept??!!)

Well thats all for now. I will be sure to keep you updated on all the comps I am waiting for!!
Geee Wizzz girl now go put your feet up and get a glass of wine!!
Busy last nonth for you!! You for Keeps enrty is lovely Katie I love all the pages and am truly surprised that they sent it back to you I though that they would have kept all of it.
Have a great week this week and I only hope that you get the chance to breath!!
Lauren x
She's back in the land of blogging. Good to see - I missed you. Great FK ENTRIES kATIE.
Fantastic entries Katie.. Love all of them but just love the star one.. I think that one is my absolute favourite!!!
Wow Katie you have been a busy bee! I love the layouts you submitted! Maybe next year!?! Good luck on your photography comps (crossing my fingers for you) your photography work is so creative! Thanks for visitng my blog great to see you there ;) Take Care Annette xx
Katie I love all your entries to FK - glad they kept one at least!!
I am wishing you the best of luck with Masters - I can't wait to hear.
I agree the last month has been very hectic - good to have a breather this Saturday!
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